Unveiling the Mystique of Shipping Containers: Names and Types Decoded

Embarking on the journey through the realm of shipping containers can be a perplexing maze, with a myriad of names and types echoing across diverse industries and geographical borders. In this expedition, we aim to demystify the nomenclature and classifications, unraveling the intricacies of what shipping containers are truly called.

8 Distinctive Shipping Container Monikers

  1. Cargo Container: Widely embraced in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, the cargo container earns its title by being a versatile guardian—storing, shielding, and traversing the globe with an array of cargo and freight.

  2. Intermodal Container: A harmonious blend of storage prowess and protection, intermodal containers traverse various transportation modes seamlessly, eliminating the need for container acrobatics.

  3. Sea Container or Ocean Container: Crafted for the briny deep, these containers are stalwarts of oceanic expeditions. While lacking sea-centric frills by default, some metamorphose into sea-faring marvels.

  4. Sea Can or C-Can: In the lexicon of shipping, brevity reigns supreme. Sea cans and C-cans, diminutive cousins of sea containers, swiftly navigate conversations about the metal titans in a fleet.

  5. Container Van or Dry Van: While not a linguistic luminary, this moniker illuminates the containers riding trucks, ferrying the dry essentials of our world from one domain to another.

  6. Moving or Storage Container: Titans of transition, these containers bear the namesake of mobility and storage, catering to businesses and individuals seeking a nomadic abode for their possessions.

  7. Freight Container: Engaged in a terminological tango with cargo containers, the name “freight container” often quicksteps into conversations, especially when railroads are the dance floor.

  8. Shipping Container: The grand maestro of names—a universal symphony that echoes across industries. Shipping containers, the unsung heroes of global logistics, whisper tales of storage, shipping, and transformation.

7 Captivating Shipping Container Varieties

  1. New Container or One-trip Container: Embarking on a singular journey from factory to destination, these containers flaunt a youthful allure, presenting themselves in a “like new” condition.

  2. Used Container: Veterans of the high seas, these containers carry the stories of a decade or more. Upon docking at Coast Containers, they undergo meticulous inspections to ensure they’re primed for a second act.

  3. Dry Container: The unsung heroes of industries worldwide, dry containers stand as silent sentinels in standard sizes—10ft, 20ft, and 40ft—providing shelter to an array of treasures.

  4. High Cube Container: Ascending to greater heights than their standard counterparts, high cube containers carve out an extra foot of space, a testament to the vertical aspirations of the container world.

  5. Open Side Container: Crafted for unconventional cargo, the open side container swings its doors wide, beckoning items that dare to challenge the norm. Pop-up shops and unique loading scenarios find solace in its unique design.

  6. Double Door Container: In the realm of shipping, double door containers perform a logistical ballet. Doors at both ends usher in a symphony of loading and unloading, making them the virtuosos of storing elongated treasures.

  7. Insulated Container: Guardians of temperature-sensitive cargo, insulated containers regulate the microcosm within. Unlike household fridges or freezers, they curate an environment rather than adhering to a predefined temperature.

Final Musings

In this odyssey through container terminology, we trust you’ve uncovered the tapestry of names and types that paint the vibrant canvas of the shipping world. Coast Containers, your guide in the container cosmos, invites you to explore our extensive collection. From new to used, in various sizes and types, let us tailor a sea can that resonates with your personal or business aspirations. Request a quote today and embark on your container sojourn with us.